

米国留学の想い出 その1



その研究の主な内容は、生体内における癌の動態観察。いろんな種類のがん細胞を培養し、そこにレトロウィルスを用いて蛍光蛋白(GFP, RFPなど~この蛍光蛋白質自体が後にノーベル医学生理学賞に選ばれました)様々な細胞小器官に発現するように遺伝子を導入して可視化して、その細胞を実験動物に移植して生体内での癌細胞の動態を観察するといった極めてシンプルなものでした








http://www.metamouse.com/Bouvet, Tsuji-2006.Cancer Res.pdf

Cancer Res. 2006 Jan 1;66(1):303-6.
Dual-color imaging of nuclear-cytoplasmic dynamics, viability, and proliferation of cancer cells in the portal vein area.
Tsuji K1, Yamauchi K, Yang M, Jiang P, Bouvet M, Endo H, Kanai Y, Yamashita K, Moossa AR, Hoffman RM.
Author information
We used dual-color in vivo cellular imaging to visualize trafficking, nuclear-cytoplasmic dynamics, and the viability of cancer cells after their injection into the portal vein of mice. For these studies, we used dual-color fluorescent cancer cells that express green fluorescent protein (GFP) linked to histone H2B in the nucleus and retroviral red fluorescent protein (RFP) in the cytoplasm. Human HCT-116-GFP-RFP colon cancer and mouse mammary tumor (MMT) cells were HCT-116-GFP-RFP in the portal vein of nude mice. The cells were observed intravitally in the liver at the single-cell level using the Olympus OV100 whole-mouse imaging system. Most HCT-116-GFP-RFP cells remained in sinusoids near peripheral portal veins. Only a small fraction of the cancer cells invaded the lobular area. Extensive clasmocytosis (destruction of the cytoplasm) of the HCT-116-GFP-RFP cells occurred within 6 hours. The number of apoptotic cells rapidly increased within the portal vein within 12 hours of injection. Apoptosis was readily visualized in the dual-color cells by their altered nuclear morphology. The data suggest rapid death of HCT-116-GFP-RFP cells in the portal vein. In contrast, dual-color MMT-GFP-RFP cells injected into the portal vein mostly survived in the liver of nude mice 24 hours after injection. Many surviving MMT-GFP-RFP cells showed invasive figures with cytoplasmic protrusions. The cells grew aggressively and formed colonies in the liver. However, when the host mice were pretreated with cyclophosphamide, the HCT-116-GFP-RFP cells also survived and formed colonies in the liver after portal vein injection. These results suggest that a cyclophosphamide-sensitive host cellular system attacked the HCT-116-GFP-RFP cells but could not effectively kill the MMT-GFP-RFP cells.